marți, 31 martie 2009
Noi amintiri...
luni, 30 martie 2009
The wonderland - for every feeling
Cate o melodie pentru fiecare sentiment nutrit...
Richard Marx - Waiting For You (O melodie perfecta pentru primul sarut)
Savage Garden - Truly, Madly, Deeply (Cand iubesti vrei sa evadezi intr-o lume a ta si a lui, unde nimic sa nu va deranjeze, unde totul e format din mangaiesi si saruturi, declaratii si trairea din plin a momentului)
James Morrison feat. Nelly Furtado - Broken Strings (Despartirea e cel mai dureros lucru dintr-o relatie de cuplu)
Backyard Babies - Fuck Off And Die (O melodie estrem de dura, dar exact ceea ce ai nevoie atunci cand simti ca explodezi)
Mariah Carey - Emotions (Fluturasi in stomac)
Michael Jackson - I Just Can't Stop Loving You (cuplu ca o singura persoana, un suflet unic)
Jojo - Get Out (Leave) (Depinde ce sentimente te incearca la despartirea de partener: fie de suferinta, fie de usurare si eliberare de sub catusele unei relatii imperfecte)
Justin Timberlake - Cry Me A River (trecutul este ingropat, iar tu mergi mai departe)
Natasha Bedingfield - Love Like This (Inceputul unei relatii se traieste foarte intens)
No Doubt - Underneath It All (Dragostea din orice clipa)
John Legend - Everybody Knows (Cu totii avem sentimentul, dupa despartiri, ca pe fata noastra poate fi citita intreaga poveste)
Amy Winehouse - Back to Black (o despartire in care nici macar nu ai timp sa realizezezi ce se intampla cand el deja e implicat intr-o alta relatie cu fosta sa iubita)
Bad Company - Feel Like Making Love (fluturasii din stomac si cica Hippie si super-orgasmica! =)))
Alanis Morissette - Everything (cantec de dragoste)
Ozzy Osbourne - I Just Want You (golul din stomac si cel din suflet de dupa o despartire)
Guns N Roses - You Cold Be Mine (gandul razbunarii)
luni, 23 martie 2009
The final countdown...
marți, 17 martie 2009
Inca putin...

sâmbătă, 14 martie 2009
Fara cuvinte, plang doar...
Ma Li & Zhai Xiaowei...
E impresionant video-ul... el fara un picior, cu o carje pe post de sustinator, iar ea fara o mana, dansand! L-am vazut de vreo 10 ori si am plans de fiecare data! Ambitia, dorinta, pofta de viata, sufletul mare, optimismul si iubirea pentru tine insuti, poate face ca imposibilul si irealizabilul sa devina firesc!
Mai jos, am gasit povestea lor, pe internet; cei care cauta bloguri in general, spun eu, sunt cunoscatori de limba engleza, asa ca, am incredere ca veti intelege!
O poveste incredibila, o lectie de viata!
The girl (Ma, Li) was a beautiful promising professional ballerina when she lost her right arm in a car accident in 1996. She was only 19. Her handsome boy friend walked away from her. She tried to kill herself only to be saved by her parents. Her love for her parents gave her the strength to live. She learned how to live her life independently. She learned how to write Chinese beautifully and how to do many things including combing her hair, which she had to cut short from the waist-length to shoulder-length. She learned to cook and to wash clothes ... In a few months she opened her small bookstore. Five years later in 2001, she was invited to compete at the 5th national special performing art competition for handicaps and won the gold medal. That success gave her the hope to return to her beloved stage. In 2002, a handsome 20-year-old young man (Li, Tao) madly fell in love with her. She ran away from him for fear of being hurt again. After she disappeared in Beijing, Tao searched her up and down despite his parents' strong objection and ridicule. He finally found her dancing in a bar. They have never been separated since. They were very broke when SARS was spreading because all theaters were closed. In 2004, he got a license to be her legitimate agent and was trying to help her develop a unique performance. In a cold snowy night, when the two huddled in an underpass to wait for the sunrise in order to catch a bus after a long day at a movie shooting site working as extras, she suddenly had the urge to dance in the snow with him. She had used her dance to tell him her story so many times before and this time, after their "dance" ended, he suddenly realized that THIS should be her unique performance. In September 2005, she ran into a 21-year-old young man (Zhai, Xiaowei). He was being trained to be a cyclist for the national special olympics. He had never danced before. He climbed on a tractor when he was 4 years old and fell off it and lost his left leg. His dad asked him, "The doctor will have to amputate your leg. Are you afraid?" He couldn't comprehend what would be so different so he said no. His dad said, "You are going to face many challenges and difficulties in life, are you afraid?" He asked, "What are 'challenges and difficulties?' Do they taste good?" His dad laughed with tears, "Yes, they're like your favorite candies. You just need to eat them one piece at a time!" (Then his dad ran out of the room in tears.) So he's always very optimistic and athletic with a great sense of humor. He had tried high-jump, long-jump, diving, swimming, and just settled on cycling. His coach believed that he would be able to get 2-3 gold medals in the national special Olympics games. (In the video interview, you can see him doing a bridge with great ease!) He initially didn't understand how he could "dance," so Li invited him to see her performing "Hand in Hand" with another male actor. He felt that he saw a perfect soul dancing on the stage and agreed to give it a try. Li & Tao treated him like their younger brother and they stayed under the same roof during the more than 1 year of intensive training and practice. One would not be able to imagine the kind of challenges and difficulties they faced. He had NO dancing background and she is a perfectionist. There are so many touching stories. Much determination has gone into the making of this performance. Just for that one "drop" move at 3:41 of the clip, he landed her on the hard floor more than 1000 times!!! To get the move right, they started at 8 a.m. and got the first successful move shortly after 8 pm! All they did was to train and to practice from 8 a.m. to 11 p.m. day-in and day-out until the three of them ran out of money in early 2007 ... The rest is history. In April they were one of the finalists among 7000 competitors in the 4th CCTV national dance competition. It is the first time a handicapped couple ever entered the competition. They won the Silver medal with the 99.17 high score and not to mention the highest audience popular votes. They became an instant national hit.
joi, 12 martie 2009
miercuri, 11 martie 2009
Iluzii optice...
Creierul nostru oricum recunoaste deja din instinct o gramada de lucruri, imagini, obiecte, persoane... nu ne poate insela nici daca vrem; si pentru ca e foarte inteligent si numai o bucatica dintr-o imagine sa ii oferim, el deja recunoaste intregul!
duminică, 8 martie 2009
sâmbătă, 7 martie 2009
Da... un mare rahat!

Matza blanda zgarie rau!

vineri, 6 martie 2009

Ieri discutam cu profa' de actorie despre dragoste, iubire, sentimente si descoperirea lor, maniera in care exteriorul trebuie sa provoace interiorul, iar tu trebuie sa te lasi patruns de acele sentimente si sa le redai intr-un mod cat mai clar, publicului!
Credinta, Nadejde, Dragoste... cele 3 cuvinte magice pentru un actor!
Ne-a citit ieri, madame Ana, cateva versete din Biblie care mi-au placut foarte mult si intamplator, cautand despre Marcel Iures pe youtube, am descoperit un filmuletz pe fundalul caruia acesta recita respectivele cuvinte din Biblie... Omul acesta e senzational, imi place tare mult si l-am vazut si la Bucuresti, intr-o conferinta pe tema "Rolul actorului", am si poza cu el! Ne spusese profa mai demult ca ne recomanda sa il analizam si am fost sa il vad la conferinta, ajungand sa ma acapareze cuvintele lui intr-un mod surprinzator de placut! Are o mentalitate si un caracter deosebit!
Cand i-am auzit vocea recitand aceste versete, mi-am readus aminte de el si de caldura cu care vorbeste in permanenta, de strictetea si simplitatea lui...
joi, 5 martie 2009
Vine, vine, priiiimavaaaaraaaa!

Afara abia a inceput primavara, dar poza mea este in contradictoriu... oricum, vremea e tot de o toamna tarzie, natura reprinde viata, vom fi mai frumosi si mai sanatosi cu fiecare zi care trece! Hai vara, haaaai...